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   A quaint matter is there me with Finalwriter happens.
   I write a letter quite normally. Then maches I

   Rechtschreibkontrolle. And then I want still to alter something. And that
   Calculator always falls with a certain letter. 
   I wanted to supplement the word Photogrammetrie. In each other 

   I could pure-write paragraph it. I also could all possible 
   others pure-write the position to exact. Merely with this word after 

   nothing at all went the i more. 
   I have written down the word elsewhere then, cut out and
   it wanted to insert -\> crash. I has secured the text as ASCII, in the

   Editor the text accordingly changes, invited again -\> crash.
   Ultimately I must continue the letter in Wordworth then. I
   have the SE-Version. 

   Where does the problem lie? Was the paragraph too big? I could everything however 
   others into the position inserts. I steh before ' nem puzzles.

Solution of Siegfried Sulovsky -:

   Unfortunately Dirk writes nothing about his/its configuration or FW-Version. With
   the mistake, with me, doesn't leave FW97 reproduce itself. About the question 

   to lighten something, I would use SnoopDOS 3.0. Only, in order to see once, 
   where it now chops then. 

   Departure AmigaPlus 6/97 Workshop to SnoopDOS 3.0:


   Fall the program to be examined during the Protokollierens even,

   so you can SnoopDOS with the Menuepunkt \>Projekt/EinzelschrittProjekt/Einzelschritt< anklicken. Das gibt Ihnen die Gelegen-
   heit, die Auswirkung jedes Funktionsaufrufes zu ueberpruefen, um fest-
   zustellen, was den Programmabsturz ausloest.


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Michael Ranner .